Man Made Disasters and their Types

Man Made Disasters

What do you mean by man made disasters ? Describe its types.
Answer - The actions of man, which are done knowingly or unknowingly and which cause huge loss of life and property, are called man-made (man-made) disaster. Disasters caused by such intentional or unintentional, deliberate indeliberate actions cause huge loss to government and private properties apart from human death. This definition of a man-made disaster can be further elaborated:
                         Disasters, incidents or accidents caused by direct or indirect, intended or unintended actions of man, his carelessness, negligence, ignorance, mistake or failure of man-made mechanisms, causing heavy loss of human life and property is called a man-made disaster. The concept of man-made disasters can be clarified by the following few examples:

 (1) Deliberate and intentional acts

 • At the time of World War II, in 1945, the US Army dropped atom bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

 • In 2001, on September 11, terrorists attacked the two towers of the United States World Trade Center and the Pentagon with airplanes.

 (2) Acts of negligence

 •Meltdown of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986. 

• India's Bhopal gas tragedy on December 3/4, 1984.

 (3) Unintentional Act

 • Global warming and climate change.

 • environmental pollution

 • Accelerated rate of soil erosion

 •Crowd Stampede, eg: 115 devotees died in a stampede on October 13, 2013 in a crowd of lakhs of devotees at Mata Devi Temple in Ratangarh, Datia district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The stampede happened due to the rumor of bridge collapse and the negligence of the district administration.

 (4) Included in Negligence and Mishanding Act

 • Rail accidents

 • Road accidents

 • Air accidents

 • Ship accidents at sea.

 Some human actions accelerate and induce natural disasters, such as: damfailure flash floods, reservoir-induced seismic events, landslides (by deforestation and road construction). Rapid soil erosion. (Accelerated soil erosion) etc.

 Man-Made Disasters: Typology

 It is noteworthy that there is no set standard procedure for dividing man-made disasters into definite categories. Despite this, the author has made an effort to divide man-made disasters into different types/categories in a detailed way, which are as follows

 These are: (1) Technological Disasters

 (I) Industrial outbreaks and disasters

• Accidents related to processing and storage of hazardous substances.

 • Accidents related to extraction and mining of raw materials.

• Accidents in units producing hazardous items, such as petrochemicals, crackers, etc.

 (II) Structural failure and fire

 (III) Excessive use of electricity and explosion of dangerous goods, such as: accidents related to explosion in the stock of firecrackers,

 (IV) Radiation contamination

 (v) dangerous biological pathogens (bacteria, viruses and parasites). 

 (VI)Accidents related to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRNS) Substances

 (2) Transportation disasters

 (I) Air accidents

 (II) Road accidents

 (III) Rail accidents

 (IV) Space accidents

 (V) Oil spillage and oil slick from oil tankers

 (VI) Marine accidents

 (3) Sociological Disasters

 (I) crime

 (II) robbery

 (III) Civil disturbance

 • Demonstration

 • strike


 • criminal act

 • Contempt of government order

 (4) Terrorism Disasters

 (I) Terror of nationalism, nationalism/separatism

 (II) State-sponsored terrorism

 (III) Religious terrorism

 (IV) Left Wing Terrorism

 (V) Right wing terrorism

 (VI) Anarchist terrorism

 (VII) Cyber ​​terrorism

 (VIII) Nasal terrorism

 (5) Crowd Stampede disaster

 (I) Stampede during religious fair/bathing/prayer/rituals Examples: Mahakumbh religious fair/bathing, 2013 (Allahabad), religious crowd stampede at Mecca, stampede at famous religious places etc.

 (II) Stampede at the time of sports events (III) Stampede at the time of political big gatherings, cultural programs
