Evolution of man

Evolution of man

The origin and evolution of man has been a topic of great biological interest since time immemorial. in the absence of direct evidence it is not definitely known when and where the first man was born or appeared. but the biologists view the origin of man using knowledge on morphology, physiology, embryology and Fossil records. Homosapiens the most prominent species on the earth is the result of over 7 million years of evolution. man belongs to the family of the hominidae of the order primates. Human like apes belongs to the same order. with the passage of time, their ancestors evolved and become more and more different. the first ever ancestors of human are believed to have originated in Africa, eventually migrating in Europe, Asia and the rest of the world.)

Evolution of life on earth
The fossil record provides evidence of systematic change.

  1. Microbial life
  2. complex eukaryotic cells
  3. first multicellular animals
  4. Shell bearing animals
  5. Vertebrates
  6. Amphibians
  7. Reptiles
  8. Mammals
  9. Non human primates
  10. earliest man
  11. Australopithecus
  12. Ancestors of man
  13. Modern man

Various stages of development between Ape  and modern man

1. Ramapithecus:-
•it is the earliest known ancestor of man about 14 millions year ago. 
•they were found in some parts of Africa, Asia and Europe. 
•evolution of man begin from him. •Ramapithecus was followed by Australopithecus.

2. Australopithecus
•Australopithecus were developed about 5 millions year ago. 
•They were 1.2 metre tall and could walk, upright. 
•They were mainly inhabited in the African mainland. 
•they had large jaws and human like teeth. 
•they used simple chipped pebble tools.

3. Homo Habilis:-
•they were developed around 3-5 millions year ago. 
•they may be treated as true ancestors of modern man because he walked erect and had a brain larger than that of ape. 
•they were five feet tall and was intelligent enough to use tools.
•They was perhaps first truly social creature and are believed to have been able to speak.

4. Homo erectus (Java man):-
•the origin of Java man is estimated about 1 to 1.5 million years ago. 
•they were more evolved being as they were upright and had a larger brain size. 
•They were nearly 150 cm tall and had a prominent speech and made tools of stone. •they invented fire and were carnivorous.

5.Homo-Sapien (Neanderthal man):-
•The appearance of Neanderthal man is estimated about 1 - 1.5 lakh years ago. 
•They were famous as an early Caveman because they lived in caves. 
•Thee appearances was very close to the modern man. so, they were classified as a member of the same species. 
•The average height of Neanderthal man was about five feet four inches. 
•They had receding chins and heavy eyebrow ridges. 
•they had broad nose and large teeth. 
•they had the capacity for speech and they had also some ability to think in the abstract. 
•they used hides to protect their body and buried their dead. 
•they were the founder of cooperative group life and possibly the crude beginnings of social institutions. 
•Neanderthal man disappeared about 35000 years ago due to unknown reasons.

6.Homo sapien fossils:-
•The appearance of cro magnon man is estimated about 50000 years ago. 
•The word "cro-magnon" is given in the name of a place "cro-magnon cave" which is in southern France where some of the the most typical remains (fossils) were discovered. 
•they were tall , broad shouldered, and walked erect, the males averaging over six feet. 
•the facial features were similar to the modern man. 
•the stone tools and implements of cro-magnon man were better made (improved). •They were not wholly nomadic as they lived in caves with their small families at least seasonally for years at a time. 
•they were more intelligent and active than Neanderthal man. 
•they disappeared nearly 10000 years ago.
